Industry News

  • Ten minutes equals half an hour of jogging! 9 superburning fat loss actions

    Ten minutes equals half an hour of jogging! 9 superburning fat loss actions

    HIIT (High-intensity Interval Training) is a high-intensity interval training method, which is to repeat the cycle of “high-intensity exercise + low-intensity exercise” for a certain period of time. In running, it is to perform 100-meter sprint and then jog, which is a combination of ...
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  • Jumping rope vs. jumping jacks, which burns fat better?

    Jumping rope vs. jumping jacks, which burns fat better?

    There are many options for aerobic exercise, in addition to running to exercise me, as well as jumping rope and jumping jacks these more common exercise. So, skipping vs. jumping jacks, which is better at burning fat? Both of these exercises are high-intensity cardio exercises that help burn fat...
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  • Ten squats are not as good as five lunges! If you stick to lunges for a long time, 6 benefits will find you

    Ten squats are not as good as five lunges! If you stick to lunges for a long time, 6 benefits will find you

    If you don’t want to go out and exercise, you might as well exercise at home. There are many movements of self-weight training, and different movements have different effects. Today we’re going to talk about lunges. It is said that 10 squats are not as good as 5 lunges, and the train...
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  • Girls insist on strength training, will gain what? 6 benefits that will find you

    Girls insist on strength training, will gain what? 6 benefits that will find you

    Most girls do aerobic exercise and ignore strength training. For women, strength training is not only a way of exercise, but also an attitude towards life. Here are six benefits of strength training for women to show the positive impact it has on their body and health. 1. Improve your body propor...
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  • Fitness, anti-aging medicine, better than any skin care products!

    Fitness, anti-aging medicine, better than any skin care products!

    Everyone wants their aging rate to slow down and their body to stay young. However, the appearance of aging signs, so that many people have to drink wolfberry water health, with high skin care products, to resist aging. In fact, insist on fitness, more than any skin care products to work! It is ...
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  • Aerial Yoga will take off in 2024, with promising development prospects

    Aerial Yoga will take off in 2024, with promising development prospects

    The boom in air yoga (also known as aerial yoga) in 2024 brings huge promise and potential to the industry. As factors such as increased awareness of overall health, the growing popularity of alternative fitness methods, and a heightened emphasis on mind-body harmony com...
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  • Adult Hammock Market Expected to Continue Growth in 2024

    Adult Hammock Market Expected to Continue Growth in 2024

    Looking forward to 2024, the adult hammock industry will continue to grow and develop, driven by changing consumer lifestyles and renewed focus on outdoor recreation. The adult hammock market is expected to boom due to several key factors, including strong emphasis on he...
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  • Jump rope 1000 times a day, what will be the unexpected harvest? How to jump rope correctly?

    Jump rope 1000 times a day, what will be the unexpected harvest? How to jump rope correctly?

    Stick to jumping rope 1000 times a day, what will be the unexpected harvest? Skipping is not only an excellent aerobic exercise, but also has great benefits for physical and mental health. First of all, jumping rope can enhance heart and lung function and improve physical endurance. As the numbe...
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  • A scientific fitness process, 4 steps, let you get a better body faster!

    A scientific fitness process, 4 steps, let you get a better body faster!

    How to exercise more scientifically and efficiently, reduce the chance of injury, and get a good body faster? Before starting the scientific fitness process, we first need to understand the goal of fitness and the physical condition of the individual. Do you want to lose fat and build muscle, or ...
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  • 5 signs of excessive fitness that you should pay attention to

    5 signs of excessive fitness that you should pay attention to

    In modern society, fitness has become a fashion. Long-term fitness can reap multiple benefits. However, excessive exercise can also have negative effects on the body. Here are five signs of excessive fitness that need attention if you have one or more of them. 1. Fatigue: Moderate exercise can r...
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  • 5 Signs of overtraining

    5 Signs of overtraining

    When we invest a lot of time and energy into training, sometimes we can unconsciously fall into a situation of overtraining. Overtraining not only affects our physical recovery, it can also lead to a variety of health problems. Therefore, understanding the five signs of overtraining is crucial f...
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  • 10 iron rules of fitness, do it is the best!

    10 iron rules of fitness, do it is the best!

    10 iron rules of fitness, do it is called a beginner! 1, just after eating a full meal do not immediately exercise, but to rest for 1 hour, so that the food is digested and then arrange fitness training, so as to ensure the fitness effect and avoid the occurrence of gastrointestinal dyspepsia. 2,...
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