There are many options for aerobic exercise, in addition to running to exercise me, as well as jumping rope and jumping jacks these more common exercise. So, skipping vs. jumping jacks, which is better at burning fat?

Rope skipping exercise

Both of these exercises are high-intensity cardio exercises that help burn fat, but there are many differences between them:

About jumping rope, jumping rope is a systemic aerobic exercise that can exercise multiple parts of the body, including thighs, calves, buttocks and abdomen.

According to some estimates, 10 minutes of jumping rope can consume about 100-200 kcal of heat, the specific consumption of heat depends on the speed of the rope, weight and other factors.

Rope skipping exercise 1

The rhythm of jumping rope is faster, and the coordination of the body is higher. When jumping rope, you need to use the strength of your wrist to control the rhythm of the rope while maintaining your body’s balance and sense of rhythm. The speed and rhythm of skipping can be adjusted according to individual circumstances, gradually increasing the difficulty from slow to fast.

In addition, jumping rope is more interesting, you can increase the interest through a variety of fancy movements, so it is easier to stick to.

Rope skipping exercise 2

About jumping jacks, jumping jacks is a kind of aerobic exercise that can be done at home with bare hands, mainly for the upper body and abdomen exercise, which is very helpful for improving the heart and lung function and metabolic level.

According to some estimates, 10 minutes of jumping jacks can consume about 80-150 kilocalories, depending on the speed and weight of the jumping jacks.

fitness exercise 1

When jumping jacks, all you need to do is stand in place, put your hands and feet together, and then jump upward like a “chicken breaking its shell” while spreading your hands out to the sides.

In the process of jumping, you need to maintain the stability of the body, control the rhythm of breathing, jumping jacks can be carried out continuously, so as to achieve a better exercise effect.

However, jumping jacks also have its advantages, it can better exercise the heart and lung function and metabolic level, for the shape of the upper body line and muscle is more helpful.

fitness one

The common point of jumping rope and jumping jacks is that both are very effective fat burning exercises, which can not only improve the activity metabolism, but also exercise the body muscle group, prevent muscle loss, and maintain a high metabolic level after training.

Jumping rope and jumping jacks these two sports need relatively small venues, the use of trivial time can be practiced, suitable for usually busy people.

Rope skipping exercise 3

So, should you choose skipping rope or jumping jacks to lose weight?

From the point of view of fat burning efficiency, the fat burning effect of skipping may be faster, because the speed and rhythm of skipping can be faster, and more muscle groups can be exercised.

The choice of exercise depends on personal goals and preferences. If you want to lose fat quickly, you can choose skipping rope; If you want to build the lines and muscles of your upper body, you can choose jumping jacks.

Post time: Mar-05-2024