Winter is one of the best times of the year to get fit.

Many people choose to exercise in summer, too cold in winter will stop fitness exercise, this behavior is wrong. In this cold season, the body needs more heat to maintain body temperature, so the body’s metabolism will be more vigorous than other seasons.

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This characteristic makes winter fitness have the following benefits:

1. Increase the metabolic rate of the body: in winter, the body needs more calories to maintain body temperature, so proper fitness activities can increase the metabolic rate of the body, help the body consume more calories, and avoid hoarding meat in winter, which is very beneficial for people who want to lose weight or control weight.

2. Enhance cardiopulmonary function: winter fitness can improve cardiopulmonary function, enhance body endurance and immunity, and effectively prevent colds and fever. Due to the lower temperatures in winter, breathing becomes deeper and stronger, which helps to improve heart and lung function, increase the body’s oxygen intake, and keep you in a stronger physique.

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3. Relieve stress and improve mood: winter fitness can release stress and tension in the body, while promoting the secretion of endorphins and dopamine and other chemicals in the brain, which can make people feel happy and relaxed, and effectively drive away negative emotions.

4. Prevent muscle loss: Fitness exercises can activate the muscle group of the body, avoid muscle loss problems caused by sitting for a long time, prevent sub-health diseases such as back pain and muscle strain, and let you keep your body more flexible.

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5. Prevent osteoporosis: Winter fitness can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Due to colder winter temperatures, the body secretes more parathyroid hormone, which promotes bone growth and development, helps teenagers grow taller, and can prevent and reduce injuries during sports.

In a word, keeping fit in winter has many benefits, which can help us keep healthy, beautiful and in a good mood. So, let’s seize this golden fat burning season and actively invest in fitness activities!

couple doing push-ups outdoors

Winter fitness should pay attention to cold measures, can not wear too light, especially when outdoor exercise, to wear a windbreaker to resist the cold wind.

The frequency of fitness in winter is 3-4 times a week, no more than 1 hour each time. Fitness programs can start with sports that you are interested in, such as running, dancing, weight training, aerobics, etc.

Post time: Nov-14-2023