Nowadays, more and more people choose fitness, but not many people stick to it for a long time. There is a big gap between those who work out and those who don’t. Would you rather live a life of fitness or a life of non-fitness?

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What is the difference between fitness and non-fitness? We analyze it from the following aspects:


1. The difference between fat and thin. Long-term fitness people, their own activity metabolism will improve, the body will maintain better, especially strength training people, body proportion will be better.

And people who do not exercise as they grow older, their body functions gradually decline, the level of metabolism will also decline, your figure is easy to gain weight, look greasy.


 2. Physical quality difference. Fitness people through exercise can improve the heart and lung function, muscle strength, improve the flexibility of the body and other physical quality indicators.

In contrast, people who do not exercise will gradually decline in physical fitness, prone to back pain, joint sclerosis, chronic diseases and other health problems, the speed of body aging will be accelerated.


3. Different mental states. Fitness can promote the release of endorphins, dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the body, which can relieve anxiety, depression and other mental stress, improve mood happiness and stress resistance.

People who do not exercise tend to accumulate negative emotions, cortisol levels will increase, you will often be in a state of high pressure, mood swings, fatigue and other problems, not conducive to mental health.


4. You have different habits. People who keep fit usually form good life habits, such as regular work and rest, reasonable diet, no smoking and no drinking.

But people who do not exercise often like to stay up late, eat snacks, addicted to games and other bad habits, these habits will bring bad effects on health.



5. Different social skills. Fitness can help people make more friends in sports, increase the social circle, conducive to communication, learning and other aspects of the improvement.

And people who do not exercise, if they do not like to go out at ordinary times, it is easy to become a woman who does not go out for a long time, lack of social ability and communication opportunities.

 In short, there is a clear gap between long-term fitness and non-fitness people. Keeping fit can bring many benefits. Therefore, we should take an active part in fitness activities to improve our physical fitness and life quality.


Post time: May-17-2023