Running is an effective exercise to strengthen the body and improve obesity, and the longer you stick to exercise, the more benefits you will reap. When long-term runners stop exercising, their bodies go through a series of changes.

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Here are six major changes:

1. Weight gain: running can enhance activity metabolism, when you stop running and exercise, the body no longer consumes a lot of calories, if you do not control the diet, it is easy to lead to weight gain, the body is easy to rebound.

2. Muscle degeneration: When running, the leg muscles will be exercised and strengthened, and the body will be more flexible. After stopping running, the muscles are no longer stimulated, which will lead to gradual muscle degradation, muscle strength and endurance will decline, and the traces of your exercise will slowly disappear.

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3. Cardiopulmonary function decline: running can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation, make the heart stronger, lungs healthier, and effectively slow down the aging rate of the body. After stopping running, the heart and lung function will gradually decline and slowly return to the normal state.

4. Decreased immunity: running can strengthen the body, improve the body’s immunity, and reduce the occurrence of diseases. After stopping running, immunity will decline, diseases are easy to invade, and it is easy to contract diseases.


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5. Mood swings: Running can release pressure and negative emotions in the body, making people feel happy and relaxed. After stopping running, the body no longer secretes neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which can easily lead to mood swings and anxiety, and resistance to stress will decline.

6. Decreased sleep quality: Running can help people fall asleep more easily and improve sleep quality. After stopping exercise, the body no longer secretes hormones such as melatonin, which is easy to lead to decreased sleep quality, insomnia, dreaminess and other problems.

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In short, after long-term runners stop exercising, the body will experience a series of changes, including weight gain, muscle degeneration, decreased cardiorespiratory function, decreased immunity, mood swings and decreased sleep quality.

In order to maintain physical health and a good mental state, it is recommended that people who start running should not stop exercising easily. If you are usually busy, you can use your time to carry out self-weight training, which can maintain your physical fitness level and maintain your athletic ability.

Post time: Dec-20-2023