The gym is a public place and there are certain rules of conduct that we need to be aware of. We should be a good citizen and not arouse the dislike of others.


So, what are some of the behaviors that are annoying at the gym?

Behavior 1: Yelling and yelling that interferes with others’ fitness

In the gym, some people shout in order to motivate themselves or attract others’ attention, which will not only interfere with others’ fitness, but also affect the atmosphere of the gym. The gym is a place to exercise. Please keep your voice down.



Behavior 2: The exercise equipment does not return, wasting other people’s time

Many people do not want to put them back after using the fitness equipment, which will make others unable to use it in time, wasting time, especially in the rush hour, which will make people very unhappy. It is suggested that you must put the equipment back after each exercise and be a quality fitness member.




Behavior 3: Hogging gym equipment for a long time and being disrespectful to others

Some people for their own convenience, a long time to occupy a fitness equipment, do not give others the opportunity to use, this behavior is not only disrespectful to others, but also does not meet the gym’s public place norms.

If you’ve just walked to the cardio zone, ready to start your cardio workout, only to find someone walking on the treadmill, looking at their phone, and refusing to get down. That’s when you feel really bad because someone else is keeping you from working out.

5 muscle exercise fitness exercise yoga exercise

Behavior 4: Exercise for 10 minutes, take photos for 1 hour, disturb others’ exercise

Many people take out their mobile phones to take pictures when they are exercising, which is no problem in itself, but some people take pictures for a long time and even disturb others’ fitness, which not only affects the fitness effect of others, but also affects the quiet environment of the gym.


Behavior 5: Not respecting others’ fitness space and affecting others’ comfort

Some people in fitness, do not respect the fitness space of others, keep walking around, or use large motion fitness equipment, this behavior will affect the comfort of others, but also easily cause conflict.



The above five behaviors are the more annoying behaviors in the gym.

As a gym member, we should respect others, keep a clean and tidy environment, follow the rules, and make the gym a pleasant place to exercise. I hope everyone can pay attention to their own behavior, and jointly maintain the order and environment of the gym.

Post time: Jun-15-2023