Nowadays, with the convenience of life, the development of transportation, our activity has gradually declined, and sedentary has become a common phenomenon in modern life, but the harm it brings can not be ignored.

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Staying in the same position for a long time and lack of physical activity will bring many bad effects to our body.

First of all, sitting for a long time is likely to lead to muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Lack of exercise causes muscles to relax for a long time and gradually lose their elasticity, eventually leading to muscle atrophy. At the same time, long-term lack of exercise can also affect the normal metabolism of bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Second, when we sit for a long time, our hip and knee joints are in a bent state for a long time, which causes the muscles and ligaments around the joints to become strained and the joint flexibility to decrease. Over time, these joints can experience pain, stiffness and discomfort, and in severe cases can even lead to conditions such as arthritis.

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Third, sitting for long periods of time can also lead to increased pressure on the spine. Because when we sit, the pressure on our spine is more than twice that when we stand. Maintaining this position for a long time will gradually lose the natural curve of the spine, resulting in problems such as hunchback and cervical pain.

Fourth, sitting for long periods of time can also affect blood circulation in the lower extremities and increase the risk of blood clots in the lower extremities. Poor blood circulation not only causes joint pain, but may also lead to other health problems.

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Fifth, sitting for long periods of time may also have adverse effects on the digestive system. Sitting for a long time, the organs in the abdominal cavity are compressed, which will affect gastrointestinal peristalsis, resulting in indigestion, constipation and other problems.

Sixth, sitting can also have negative effects on mental health. Being in the same environment for a long time and lacking communication and interaction with others can easily lead to problems such as depression and anxiety.

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Therefore, for the sake of our own health problems, we should try to avoid sitting for long periods of time and engage in appropriate physical activity. Getting up and walking around every once in a while (5-10 minutes for 1 hour of activity), or doing simple stretching exercises such as stretching, push-ups, and tiptoe, can help alleviate the adverse effects of sitting for too long.

Post time: Mar-12-2024