6 fitness white must understand the dry goods:

1. ** The relationship between muscle and fat ** : At the beginning of fitness, many novices often confuse the concept of muscle and fat. In fact, they are completely different substances.

Muscle is the body’s power source, and fat is the energy store. Through strength training, we can increase muscle mass, and through aerobic exercise, we can reduce fat content, so as to achieve the purpose of toning.

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2. ** Create a fitness plan that works for you ** : Everyone’s body and fitness goals are different, so a “one size fits all” fitness plan is not for everyone.

We need to develop a personalized fitness plan based on our physical condition, fitness goals and time schedule to ensure the maximum effect of exercise.

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3. ** 3 points exercise 7 points eat ** : Fitness is not only exercise, diet is equally important. The so-called “three points of exercise and seven points of eating” means that although exercise is important, a reasonable diet has a more significant impact on the fitness effect.

We need to learn to eat healthy and stay away from junk food while ensuring we consume enough protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats to support the body’s recovery and growth.

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4. ** Combination of work and rest is very important ** : Many novices in order to pursue rapid results, often excessive exercise, ignoring the importance of rest.

However, rest and recovery are an integral part of the fitness process. Without adequate rest, muscles cannot be repaired and grown, which can lead to excessive fatigue and injury.

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5. ** Ensure the amount of water you drink ** : Water is the source of life and an indispensable element in the fitness process. Maintaining adequate water intake, drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day instead of various beverages, helps maintain the body’s normal metabolism and detoxification functions, and promotes muscle recovery and growth.

6. ** Quit smoking Alcohol ** : The harm of tobacco and alcohol to the body is well known, especially for bodybuilders. The nicotine in tobacco inhibits muscle growth and recovery, while alcohol affects the body’s metabolism and hormone levels, which can affect fitness. Therefore, for health and fitness goals, it is very necessary to quit drinking.

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Post time: Apr-03-2024