Novice fitness from which movements to start? Six gold composite actions for beginners, just a set of dumbbells, you can exercise the whole body muscle group, shape a good figure line!

fitness exercise 1


Step 1: Squat

Squats can exercise the gluteal muscle group, improve the gluteal shape problem, improve lower limb strength and body stability, is a golden movement that can not be missed in fitness.

When squatting, the legs can be separated from the shoulder width, the knee should not be buckled in the squat, straighten the back muscle group, the thigh squat parallel to the ground, pause a little, and then slowly restore the standing position. 5-6 sets of 15 reps each time.

fitness exercise 2

Move 2. Lunge squat

The lunge squat is a variant of the squat, which can help you further improve the muscle dimension, improve your explosive power, and improve the problem of lower limb instability.

When lunging, take care that the front knee does not exceed the top of the foot to avoid putting too much pressure on the joint. 5-6 sets each time, each set about 10 times.

fitness exercise 3

Action 3. Row a boat

Dumbbell rowing can build back muscles, improve upper body strength, and build tight back muscles. Hand holding dumbbells, leaning state rowing training, the movement of 4-6 groups, each group of 15 times.

fitness one

Step 4: Bench press

Bench press can exercise arms and chest muscles, hand holding dumbbell, supine state so that the dumbbell is above the chest, from the bent elbow state to push the dumbbell to the straight arm state, the movement insist on 4-6 sets, 12 times per set.

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Move 5. Push ups

Push-ups are movements that can be done with your bare hands and work your chest and arm muscles. When the push-up training, pay attention to the body to maintain a straight line, bend the elbow state when the arm and the body Angle spinach 45-60 degrees Angle is better. Perform 100 actions, which can be completed in groups.

If you can easily complete standard push-ups, you can try advanced training to narrow push ups, wide push ups or lower push ups, so that you can continue to break the fitness bottleneck and promote muscle development.

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Move 6. The goat stands up

Goat lift can exercise the core muscle group, improve the core strength, let you wear invisible armor, reduce the chance of injury, improve the performance of sports. Do 10-15 repetitions for 4 sets, and maintain the frequency of exercise once every 2-3 days.

fitness three

Post time: Jan-05-2024