Nowadays, more and more people pursue fitness, and some people begin to enter the gym for strength training, rather than simply aerobic exercise, which is the understanding of fitness is getting deeper and deeper, no longer afraid of strength training. Whether it’s for muscle building or fitness, strength training can help us get in better shape.

However, at the same time, many people are also easy to fall into some fitness misunderstandings, they do not have a scientific system to understand fitness knowledge, but blindly training, such behavior is easy to make fitness become harmful to the body. Therefore, it is important to learn some useful fitness techniques before working out.

Here are a few fitness experiences from fitness veterans to make you more scientific fitness, avoid minefields, and improve fitness effects!

1. Define your fitness goals
Some people fitness is to build muscle, and some people fitness is to reduce fat, for people with high body fat rate, fat reduction is the first thing you do, and for people with low body fat rate, muscle building is the main direction of your fitness.
There are some differences between the training methods of muscle building and fat loss, the reduction of body fat rate is mainly based on aerobic exercise, strength training as a supplement, and muscle building is mainly based on strength training, aerobic exercise as a supplement.


Strength training mainly refers to anaerobic breathing based training, such as barbell training, dumbbell training, fixed equipment training and sprint and other explosive movements, these movements are mainly to exercise muscles, improve muscle mass training, is unable to adhere to for a long time.
Aerobic exercise is mainly the exercise of aerobic supply, can continue to adhere to fat burning training, such as jogging, swimming, playing, aerobics and other training, according to the different physical conditions, you can continue to insist on 10 minutes to 1 hour.
2. Customize a scientific fitness plan
After the purpose of your fitness is clear, you need to customize a scientific and feasible fitness training, blind training will affect the fitness effect, but also easy to give up.
A scientific fitness plan can be controlled in about 1.5 hours, not too long. Fitness steps: Warm up — strength training — cardio — stretching and relaxation.

When we first started, strength training should pursue standard posture, rather than the pursuit of weight, when familiar with the fitness movement track, then start weight training, muscle building people choose 8-12RM weight, fat loss people choose 10-15RM weight can be.
Aerobic exercise should slowly transition from low-intensity to high-intensity programs, which can reduce muscle breakdown. For people who lose fat, aerobic exercise duration is 30-60 minutes, and for people who build muscle, aerobic exercise duration is 30 minutes.
3, fitness should also combine work and rest, give the body 1-2 days a week to rest
The combination of work and rest can walk better and make the body change better. The target muscle group needs to rest for 2-3 days after training, so arrange 2-3 muscle group training each time during strength training, so that the muscle group takes turns to arrange training and rest, in addition, you can arrange 1-2 days rest time for the body every week, so that the body can rest, and you will have better motivation to start training again in the second week.

4. Adjust the training plan regularly

In the process of fitness, we should continue to learn and summarize, rather than develop a training plan, which can be once and for all.Fitness program is not static, the physical quality of the body, muscle endurance will continue to improve in the process of exercise, strengthen, you need to continue to optimize the training plan, the body can continue to make progress, shape a more ideal figure.
Generally, after 2 months of training, the original fitness plan has begun to adapt, you can try to increase the load, change the movement, strengthen the training intensity, shorten the interval time, to further stimulate the muscle group.

Post time: Aug-31-2023