Insist on doing squats can slim legs? Squats are a very effective leg exercise movement, which not only exercises the muscles of the thighs and hips, but also increases the body’s basal metabolic rate, which inhibits fat accumulation, helps you improve the line of the legs, and even achieve the effect of lean legs.

However, if you want to slim your legs through squatting, it is not simply to do a few squats can be achieved, you need to consider a number of factors, these few techniques can allow you to quickly lose elephant legs and have slender legs. fitness one

First of all, the frequency of squats is very important. It is recommended to perform squat exercises at least 3-4 times a week, with multiple sets of training each time, such as 20-30 in a group, for 5-10 sets.

Beginners can start with low-intensity training and gradually increase the training intensity, such as: starting with weight-bearing squats, and slowly carrying out weight training, which can effectively stimulate the leg muscles, promote the improvement of metabolic rate, and accelerate the burning of fat.

fitness two

Secondly, the intensity of squats is also a key factor. When doing squats at first, it is recommended to start with a lower weight and gradually increase the weight to avoid placing too much burden on the leg muscles. At the same time, pay attention to correct posture and skills to avoid injury.

Third, the exercise time of squats also needs to be mastered properly. The time of each squat exercise should not be too long, it is generally recommended to perform 10-15 squats per group, carry out 3-4 sets, and rest 1-2 minutes between each group. This can fully stimulate the leg muscles, while avoiding excessive fatigue.

fitness exercise 1

Fourth, if you want to achieve significant leg thinning effect through squatting, you also need to add systemic aerobic exercise, such as running, jumping jacks, playing and other sports to enhance activity metabolism, exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, can effectively reduce body fat rate, with body fat rate decline, legs will also follow to slim down.

Finally, we also need to do a good job of diet management, reduce calorie intake, supplement high-quality protein, and create a heat gap for the body, so as to reduce body fat rate, the whole body will follow to slim down, you will lose elephant legs.

fitness exercise 2

In summary, we can strengthen the lower limb muscle group through squatting, shape tight legs, reduce body fat rate through aerobic exercise, improve elephant legs, and shape slender legs.

Post time: Mar-27-2024