When working out, we should add strength training and focus on the development of each muscle group in the body to build a really good figure.


A good figure cannot be separated from the carving of strength training, especially the training of the back muscles, chest muscles, thighs and other major muscle groups is very important. The development of large muscle groups can promote the development of small muscle groups, thus improving the efficiency of muscle building and shaping. It can also effectively increase the body’s basic metabolic value, so that you can consume more calories every day, creating a lean body.


Many men will also pay attention to strength training, especially for the training of chest muscles. Full chest muscles are an indispensable standard for a good figure, and excellent chest muscles are the facade of a muscular man.

And developed chest muscles can resist the sagging problem of gravity, so that you look better curve, therefore, girls should also pay attention to the training of chest muscles.


So, how do you do chest training? We should know that the pectoral muscle is composed of the upper pectoral muscle, the middle, the upper part and the middle seam of these four parts. When training, we should carry out a full range of exercises for the pectoral muscle, so as to quickly improve the chest circumference and develop a developed pectoral muscle.

Of course, during the training process, you may find that one side is weak. At this time, we need to strengthen the training for the weak side, so as to make the balanced development of both sides of the chest muscle.


Action 1: Alternate push up oblique dumbbell

Work the upper side of your pecs


Action 2: Flat dumbbell bird

Exercise the middle seam of pectoral muscle


Step 3: Deep push ups

Work the middle of your pecs


Movement 4: Supine dumbbell narrow distance bench press + straight arm lift

Exercise the middle seam and outer edge of the pectoral muscle


Move 5: Asymmetric push ups

Exercise upper chest


Step 6: Bridge bench press

Work the lower side of your pectoral muscles


Do 3 to 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise, once every 3 days.

Note: At the beginning of training, we can start with low weight training to learn the standard movement trajectory, so that the muscles can form the correct trajectory memory. With the improvement of strength level, then gradually improve the weight level, so as to stimulate the growth of muscles and develop excellent pectoral dimension

Post time: May-15-2023