Novice fitness should start from what movement training best? We need to start with compound movements, which can drive multiple muscle groups to participate in the development, and the muscle building efficiency will be more efficient than isolated movements.
Share 7 golden compound moves to stimulate muscle growth, the first choice for beginners in fitness!
Action 1. Weight squat

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This is the most important compound action in fitness training, which can exercise the buttock and leg muscles of the lower limbs, and also promote the development of the waist and abdominal muscles. The leg muscle group is the largest muscle group of the body, and we can not ignore the development of the leg muscle group when fitness training, therefore, the squat must be added to the fitness plan.
Action requirements: wide distance stance, tighten the waist and abdominal muscles, and then slowly squat, knees do not buckle, but in order to maintain balance knee joints can exceed the toe, when the thigh is level with the ground, slowly return to the standing position.

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Step 2: Pull-ups
This is a golden exercise to exercise the upper body muscle group, but many novices are often unable to complete the standard pull-up movement, at this time we can use a elastic band or a stool to reduce the body resistance, so as to guide the complete pull-up movement.
As you improve your back and arm strength, you’ll be able to complete more pull-ups, and then try standard pull-ups. Do more than 6 to 8 repetitions each time you train for 5 sets.

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Action 3: Pull the barbell hard
This action is to exercise the lower back muscles and gluteus muscle compound action, we can start from the barbell hard pull training, keep the waist and back upright, slightly bend the knee, arms close to the body, let the barbell from the ground pull up, feel the force of the back muscles. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions for 4 sets.

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Action 4, parallel bar arm flexion and extension
This move can exercise the triceps, lower chest muscles and shoulder deltoid muscles, is a multi-functional gold composite movement.
When training, the body should not lean forward too much, the elbow should be close to the body, and the speed of training should not be too fast to avoid the help of inertia. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions for 4 sets.

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Step 5: Barbell bench press
This is a golden move to tone your chest muscles and improve your arm strength.
Action requirements: you need to fully hold the barbell, when training to sink shoulders, shoulder blades do not lock, to avoid barbell shaking. When pushing up the bar, feel the force of the chest muscles, and do not move too fast to avoid excessive borrowing of the arm. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions for 4 sets.

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Move 6: Barbell press
This is an ace shoulder exercise that will help strengthen your deltoids while developing your arm muscles. Choosing a standing press can also strengthen your core muscles and improve your stability.
Action requirements: The barbell is placed in front of the neck, maintain a standing position, and then slowly push the barbell, so that the arm from the bent elbow state slowly straight to the head, maintain a vertical barbell trajectory, arms and body to maintain a straight line as the standard.

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Step 7: The goat stands up
We always neglect the training of core muscles, and the goat lift is a golden movement to exercise core muscles, which can improve our core strength and improve sports performance. For white-collar workers, it can improve the problem of creatine pain in the lower back. Perform 15 repetitions for 4 sets.
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Post time: Mar-14-2024